Dr. Dylan Petkus reviews Kate’s multi-decade “medical mystery” story. She was having dizziness, migraines, gut issues, nausea, awful sleep, and crashes and now she’s not having to worry about that anymore.
Dylan Petkus, MD
First, say hello, and also let you know that we have a lot of technological advances here on the horizon. I brought these for our special friend here, Kate, which now it sounds like. What was that show? Like, the Mr. Rogers show? Like, here’s my special friend here today, and I wanted to really share Kate’s story, and she so graciously agreed to do this. And by not just here, like, having to just spend more time with me, which it’s already been such a long process, and being able to share with the world here today with all six viewers, probably five of them being my mom.
Dylan Petkus, MD
But in all seriousness, being able to really show people that when you’ve gone through a lot, that we’ll talk about that Kate’s gone through, that there is still that path for you in terms of being able to be at this point of where it’s just, like, decade-plus, of a lot of just going in 10,000 different directions and being able to finally gain clarity and finally move in the right direction and know that health and having an awesome, healthy life is 100% possible. So I want to welcome Kate here to the show. I guess we’re going to call it a show.
Dylan Petkus, MD
And, Kate, why don’t you start us off here and kind of let us know in terms of where you were, in terms of just kind of, like, all the things going on with you, in terms of all the symptoms, exhaustion, and just all of that, the gunky stuff, as they say.
Well, I’m really glad to be here and to be able to share my experience with other folks who go through the frustration and depression, anxiety, all of that goes along with feeling chronically tired and chronically ill. I actually first saw about the program in October of last year, so October of 2020, and signed up for the newsletters. And I would read the emails, and I was interested but skeptical, but I kept reading them because I loved Dylan’s sense of humor. And there was a lot of stuff that rang true for me. In October, I was diagnosed with hyperparathyroidism. And I thought, yay, I finally have the answer to why I felt terrible for all of these years. And while that might have been a component, that was not the one thing that was going to fix everything.
And I had surgery for it in January, and I felt so terrible after the surgery, with fatigue, depression, anxiety.
Dylan Petkus, MD
Tons of aches and pains, unable to get out of bed. It ran the gamut of literally just thinking, my days are going to be spent subsisting. And I kept getting the notifications on Facebook every time Dylan did a live. And I was watching and watching, and I finally was like, I need to schedule that call and see what he has to say about this because I’ve been to so many doctors, shocking amounts of doctors, nurse practitioners, acupuncturists, massage therapists, medical mediums. Gosh, naturopaths, dietitians. Literally, in 20 years, I’ve probably seen everybody for one thing or another. And while there were some answers over things that might be mechanically going wrong, nobody knew how to fix it. Nobody knew how to help me in ways that could be measured. There were a lot of pills thrown at things. A lot of,
“Lose 20 pounds, and this will go away.” Incredibly restrictive diets. So I fear. What have I got to lose with Dylan? I’ve done it all, and maybe he’ll have insights into what’s going on with me that the others haven’t. And it was true. So we had that first call and absolutely nothing that I said about conditions and overlapping conditions. Nothing threw you for a loop. Nothing. And that was one of the first times I’ve ever really been taken seriously by a physician that you saw beyond just that. I was living in a bigger body. You hadn’t even seen me. You listened to me. So not everything was just blamed on you, lose some weight, and you’ll be fixed. So it gave me a lot of hope.
And I have to say, the day that I had the call with you was probably one of the lowest days I’ve ever had, physically. It was a really hard day. And not just because I talked to you.
Dylan Petkus, MD
And we’re back here. We do this live, so there’s going to be technical issues. Sorry, my microphone is muted, everyone. But what I was saying there, was that the words came in my mouth were so brilliant that the microphone. Anyway, you know, in terms of Kate and kind of that trajectory of like, okay, you go through all the doctors, and you go to the fancy doctors, you go to the medical mediums, which, from my understanding, are just half-cooked in terms of what they’re able to do. Get it? Medium rare. Anyway, the kind of thing with that is you search for all these things, and then you find the one thing, like, wow, I finally have a diagnosis. And then you get it addressed. And even when we first spoke, I was like, well, maybe it’s just still lingering from that.
Dylan Petkus, MD
Let’s make sure that the doctor there kind of finishes up and either gives you a definitive, yeah, that’s a thing or a definitive, I don’t know. And you were left back with, I don’t know. Despite literally having a surgery, which a lot of people go through, it may not be the parathyroids, but a lot of women will have surgery for endometriosis or something that is just known. Kate, as you know now, is another symptom of kind of the underlying issues that we kind of help people address here. But all the while being in a motive, where you go from doctor to doctor, and each time you go, you kind of are on this trajectory of a little bit of hope. It’s like this hope roller coaster that becomes this depression downspiral where it’s just like, there’s a little bit of hope.
Dylan Petkus, MD
Oh, is this okay? No, it’s not working. And a little bit of hope and then kind of just finding your way down and down there of where you are just like, is there just something innately wrong with me? And is my life just designed for suffering? There are a lot of times where people can find yourself in that state, but when you’re able to finally find something that works and really changes that trajectory, that’s kind of such a beautiful part of the whole process. And so where you were, in terms of,
Dylan Petkus, MD
I mean, we can even talk about that day, because I wasn’t too long ago, maybe like nine or ten weeks ago, I’m not in charge of calendars, but in terms of kind of a lot of the symptoms you were having, from migraines to the dizziness to the sleep, to just all of that, what was that typical day for you? Right before we connected, Kate.
Like I said, that actual day that we had our full-length call, I believe was March 8th. I’m pretty sure that was the exact date. That day in particular, I had woken up with a migraine, which was pretty normal for me. I probably had four to five migraines a month, and taking care of that would be a couple of rounds of Advil, migraine, and drinking a couple of cokes just to get to a functioning level. I have had chronic dizziness for about three years now, and that is something that, when I’m feeling particularly down physically, that kicks up my vestibular system is like, no, we do not have the energy to compensate for this. You are going to be super dizzy today.
Just the general feeling of malaise, where every day feels like the first couple of days of when you get the flu, that’s literally what it feels like. Your muscles are exhausted. Everything feels like you’re walking through mud. It takes the greatest effort to just get normal things done. And with how I was feeling and facing the surgery and everything. I left my career in December, a job that I absolutely felt a lot of fulfillment from, but I just was not able to do a full-time job, home, school, my daughter, go through a pandemic, and have everything turned upside down. It was all just this perfect storm of everything in my body feeling like it was going haywire. But, like, after I had the surgery, my labs came back great.
So the doctors look at the labs and they’re like, oh, well, your calcium is terrific. Your PTH is right on target. My last round of blood work that I had done before I was really doing the program. My doctor looks at it and it’s like, oh, well, there’s a couple of tiny issues, but everything looks optimal. But yet I was just feeling like every day was terrifying to face. And especially as a mom, a wife, getting ready to move in and help with taking care of my parents, all of that just seemed so overwhelming. And the amount of guilt that I felt for not being able to be physically available to take care of the important things in my life just compounded everything. So it was a terrible space physically to be in and a terrible space mentally to be in.
And it’s like I’ve said in our one-on-one calls and our Q and A calls, there are hard parts to changing your lifestyle and to doing new things, breaking out of old habits. But nothing in this program is as hard as the day that I called my mom and I said, I don’t want to be here anymore because I felt so bad. That’s hard. Doing some lifestyle tweaks and doing some of the introspection and the things that you need to do to get your body back online. Some of that can be hard, can be difficult. But nothing is as hard as not wanting to actually live your own life.
Dylan Petkus, MD
We’re having a grand old time with a mute button here. I really appreciate the openness around that because that is such a tender point for people in terms of just the sheer misery that you can be living in on a daily basis of where you’re waking up and the migraine is already there. And even if you do get through the migraine, then you’re thinking, when am I not going to be able to really do anything? How much do I have to shut out? Because I think for you, it was pretty much every day, like one or 02:00 p.m.
Dylan Petkus, MD
It was something where it’s like the rest of the day that was just kind off the table and being at a point of where you are having to cut out work, which for a lot of people, that’s a place of where not only are you able to feel like you’re contributing and being able to have a job well done and moving towards something, but also in terms of home, in terms of where now you are someone who does not have that contribution on the home. And a lot of times people, it’s sad to say, but it’s the truth. A lot of times people can feel like they’re a drain on their families, not only financially, but also just like, the only topic of the conversation is what’s wrong with mom? Why can’t we do these things?
Dylan Petkus, MD
And a lot of times, symptoms are symptoms, but it’s really the impact that’s going to have on your life. Because when we’re talking about health, it’s like, yeah, it’s one thing to sleep well and all these things, but it’s really what that gets you, what that health gets you. And I think a lot of times we don’t always appreciate that when we aren’t able to really see exactly what these symptoms are taking away from us in terms of the quality of our life, the future we have for ourselves and our family. And so these are things that are very deep in terms of what that sort of takes away.
Dylan Petkus, MD
And that is why a lot of people, they go on that road of where you see doctor after doctor because just so much of your life is being taken away and you’re trying to move into that space like, okay, let’s find a solution. Let’s find a solution because you want to obviously be able to have your life back. But a lot of times when you go in the sort of conventional path, the alternative path, try to do things by yourself. Dr. Google, Ph.D., MD, Mr. Google has a lot of certifications, but in terms of that, for you, because a lot of it was kind of the medical, the gas lighting, in a way that I don’t think enough people talk about because you see a doctor, oh, my gosh, he or she, they’re wearing a white coat. Is that a stethoscope? Oh, my gosh.
Dylan Petkus, MD
A lot of people get caught in that. But these things, when everything’s coming in all together and it’s diagnosis hunting, but a lot of times it can really take its toll on the patient because there’s nothing worse than hearing, like, you go to this specialized clinic where there’s a really nice waiting room and there’s a piano, or maybe there wasn’t a piano in the lobby, but you’re just like, okay, there may be an answer here. And you get, I don’t know. Or maybe it’s this really rare thing for you in terms of that, the saber rattling, as you’ve said, or the gaslighting. What was that sort of process of all those searching for answers, like for you?
As we’ve discussed, it took away every bit of confidence that I had in my own body to heal, to ever get better. I just felt like I would be going to the doctor forever to just get one more diagnosis, one more comorbidity, having physicians who, when I walked in, they had made up their minds already that as one doctor told me, I don’t have, addressing me, you don’t have a medical problem, you have a kitchen and attitude problem, inferring that I was just fat and lazy. And so that’s what he had made up. His mind was wrong with me. And having all of these diagnoses, possible diagnoses thrown out as to what could possibly be wrong with you, take this supplement, don’t take this supplement. Eat chicken and rice, do not eat bell peppers. Just every gamut of thing.
All of the testing, from normal testing, and your normal blood work, to spit testing and hair analysis, food sensitivity testing. So it’s CAT scans, nuclear medicine scans. I’ve gone through a lot, tried a lot of different medications, a lot of different supplements, cabinet full of supplements, which I know is a going theme, even with more conventional doctors now, even going into that, if you just take mega doses of vitamin C and B vitamins, this will fix your adrenal glands, all of that kind of advice. But then when I’d come back six weeks later for a follow up, and I still felt like a truck hit me, and I was even more depressed and more anxious and had even more health anxiety because, oh, well, this didn’t work, there must be something even more seriously wrong with me.
If this didn’t fix my adrenals, well, obviously it must be something much worse. So, yeah, it’s literally been 20 years of that. And I would have periods where I would feel better, but not well. So I was just this medical conundrum for the physicians. And like I said when we had our call, none of that faced you. And also, you weren’t judgmental about any of it. The migraines, getting up six to eight times a night, that’s where I was in January. I couldn’t tell you the last time I had slept through the night. Those two things were so huge because it affected me every night. I was literally afraid to go to sleep at night. Because I didn’t know what the night ahead was going to look like. Was I going to be up most of the night?
Was I going to have to get on YouTube to try to bore myself back to sleep? And then the next day, knowing that I was going to have to go through my day with no sleep and to be where I am now? It’s been weeks since I had a migraine, and when I did have one, the last one I had, I got it under control within an hour, did not need to drink a coke, did not need to take several rounds of my headphone migraine. So that in and of itself was huge. I did not lose my entire day to a migraine and being able to sleep. I get up maybe one time a night now. So going from January and February six to eight times a night, to now, usually about once a night, if that.
I’ve had nights where I’ve gone to bed and slept the entire night, and I wake up in the morning, I’m like, whoa, what was that? What just happened? That’s huge to have that amount of your life back. My digestion is amazingly better. I was told you have gastritis. You have possible IBS, but we don’t really know because you don’t have this marker for this or that or the other thing. You just have a nervous stomach from your anxiety. Take this herb or take this drug, and that will make your gut better. Spoiler alert, it didn’t. So now I don’t have gut issues like I did at all. So that’s not this huge thing hanging over my head anymore.
So it’s shocking to me when I sort of sit back and objectively look at where I was 8, 9, 10 weeks ago and where I am now and how much of my life I have back.
Dylan Petkus, MD
I’m just joking. I do have the microphone on. I was just getting you there with me. I know it’s not a Dylan and Kate interaction if there’s not some sort of running joke in between it all, but so much awesome stuff in there in terms know, being on that road of where, okay, try this supplement, try the vitamin C and the vitamin B, because that’s what helps the adrenal glands. Or try these medications, or just being really marginalized in a big way by the medical and wellness community in terms of where they’re going to take kind of their like, okay, well, diet and exercise worked for a patient that one time in Bandcamp, and now I’m going to try to apply it to you and kind of really slam you on the side or slam you on these supplements and all these things.
Dylan Petkus, MD
But when you’re not actually understanding the issue, that’s when it works for some people. But even a blind squirrel is right twice a day here. That’s a joke about adult-level joke there. But being able to kind of move through all of that is so important because that’s where so many people get stuck in that conventional paradigm of where the one thing I really love about Kate is that she’s been watching a lot of our things from the beginning here. Because in our masterclass, and this has been a change, I’m assuming you haven’t rewatched the master class, but we used to have something called “one-thing-itis” in there, where you jump from one thing to the next, to the next, to the next, and you never really gain a big level of understanding around the whole system.
Dylan Petkus, MD
And that’s what so many people get stuck up in terms of, it’s like, oh, it’s your, it’s, you know, you need this herb, and you’re not really able to get anywhere. And so when you’re able to know, kind of go through that, because that’s why a lot of things where when someone like Kate is talking and they’re, well, Dylan, you know, I have dizziness, migraines, sleep issues, digestion. I’m crashing every day. And I’m like, okay, that makes sense. And every person’s like, wait, what? What do you mean that makes sense? And being able to kind of bring it all together so that we can actually powerfully address it in a way of where when you’re able to do that’s when the sleep is getting better.
Dylan Petkus, MD
Even though we’re not like the people who like to say we’re the sleep people, maybe because they just think we’re boring. But also like, the migraines being something like, oh, yeah, that’s kind of another sort of manifestation. There are a few details there and things like digestion and being able to see people like you who come in with all kind of this constellation of seemingly unrelated things and being able to shift all of them by addressing kind of just a core fundamental sort of principles of how your body is designed to work and really designed naturally for health. And being able to see those things really just resolve like that without, like, okay, gut cleanses and probiotics and all these things, that’s when you’re able to really make those huge shifts.
Dylan Petkus, MD
And so that really kind of covered a lot of the major sort of initial shifts you saw. And I guess the fun thing I kind of want to revisit, especially with you in terms of the kind of level of skepticism, because you’re like, who’s this guy? Is he really a doctor? Because he seems like a skater dude. Someone’s actually asked me if I’ve skated before. I’m like, what kind of question is that? But being able to kind of join us up because you were watching from behind the scenes for a little bit, and then you’re like, okay, things have to change. And then when you were with us working through things, we mentioned a lot of the improvements in sleep, less headaches, where it’s the point where it’s like, even when they do happen, it’s a very small thing.
Dylan Petkus, MD
What was that kind of like those shifts for you? Like, okay, I’m trying this, and now you’re at the point where I am not going to live my life any differently than this for the foreseeable future. What has that kind of journey been like for you?
Well, from even, I think, the second day after I spoke to you and had signed up for the program, I was not feeling well that morning, and I described to you what was going on, and you immediately were like, oh, okay, try this. Try this. And I did. And even that day, I saw an improvement from the nausea that I was waking up with most days. And that right there was like this little spark of not only was this physician listening to me and believing me, but on this other hand, here is an actionable step that you can do right now to help get your body back online and get your body into that space where you can heal, and that is mental and physical. So that right there helped with that skepticism.
But even before I signed up for the program, I googled you like it was my job. And I am the daughter of a police officer. And my friends, they’re like, ask Kate. If you need to know about somebody, ask Kate. Give their birth sign and that they had a mustache in 1989, and Kate’s going to find out the story about them. So I really did the research on you. I went back through and I read all of the emails that you had sent out. I watched all of the videos. And I don’t want to be too nice to you, but I was like, this guy’s kind of a genius. And I guess because you’ve never went, I don’t know, I think you’re just a lost cause. You didn’t do that with anybody’s situation. And I was like, wow, is this too good
to be true. But getting over that initial skepticism to make the first call because I didn’t have anything to lose. The call was free. My husband sat in on it, and he had been seeing me. We’ve been together almost 19 years, and he has seen me through a lot of these health struggles. So having him sitting there next to me and nodding his head along and looking over at me like, oh, this guy might actually know what he’s talking about, that was a huge encouragement, too. But literally from day one with doing the program, having your knowledge and your experience and your compassion for my situation and the situations that other folks in the group have been experiencing, that’s an enormous puzzle piece to figuring out your personal plan to get better.
Because, yes, while there are overriding principles working with you’re able to figure out what it is that needs to be tweaked and done specifically for each person, which you don’t get from all of these online health gurus or even your own physician who has nine minutes to be in the room with you because of insurance. So the skepticism led me to the research, and the research led me to, yes, this is something that can and should work. And then my own personal experience. And the outcome is that, yes, it does work. This is a process that can be implemented. It’s not difficult, it’s not complicated.
And if I can do it with how bad I was feeling and homeschooling a kid and trying to figure out all of the stuff at home and having my husband work from home and all of that going on, it’s accessible. It truly is. And it’s been far easier than a lot of the crazy stuff that I have done in the past. So it’s a plan that works, and it’s a plan that is not going to make you tear your hair out and make you feel already overwhelmed. When you’re feeling overwhelmed.
Dylan Petkus, MD
Yeah. And that is such, so many important pieces of the puzzle there, because being able to have that plan of where you have that foundation and then also the individual things to you because we kind of had that first session, I’m like, okay, these are the most important things here. And then people, sometimes they have those dips, and then I always have the conversation in my mind. I’m like, well, maybe they can write it out and they’ll be fine because if I call them, they might have a heart attack because it’s a doctor calling them kind of out of nowhere and be like, what can we do? And a lot of times when I call people, they’re like, hello, Dylan. I’m like, yeah, it’s me. You told me you were having this issue, and we need to, let’s do it now.
Dylan Petkus, MD
So being able to have that level of support because we also have the other touching stones, the Q and A’s we have and all that stuff, but being able to support and hold someone through that moment for what they’re going through is such a critical piece to everything. And being able to also have the person, because when they’re doing the things, you’re building that resiliency for yourself where you are that person who everything you’ve gone through now, it’s like, okay, migraines aren’t even a thing anymore. The dizziness is far reduced from where it used to be. Something where it’s like, all over the place today, and now it’s far more manageable. The sleep is just like, now you wake up and you’re like, did someone drug me last night? Raul, what are you doing there? Or don’t do that. Anyone.
Dylan Petkus, MD
And just being able to see all these changes because you were finally able to have that plan, be able to have the people that kind of help you through that, and now you’re at where you’re at right now because you were able to take all those steps. And finally, because a lot of times people are like, oh, I’ve tried everything. Nothing ever is going to work. But the moment you kind of go to that level, you’re not able to be where someone like Kate is right now. And so just to kind of really quickly now, I think we already quickly summarized all the big changes, the dizziness, the migraines, all those things. So you’re all good. Doctor. Stamp of approval. Kate, I want to thank you so much for joining us here today.
Dylan Petkus, MD
It’s been an absolute pleasure to have our favorite state of people. We have a lot of people from Ohio. I don’t know what it is over there. Maybe there’s something in the water. But it’s been absolutely awesome to see you in your journey. Not just the physiological changes, but so many of the mental shifts as well. Knowing that you have that trust in your body because you know how it all works. You have the physical evidence out in front of you and you know that really from here, the sky is the limit on all those things. And then if you want to make docs appointments, just to kind of tell them, Nana, boo boo, totally up to you. But maybe not the best use of time because no one likes watching daytime television in a waiting room.
Dylan Petkus, MD
Kate was someone know was in pretty rough shape for so many years, thinking time and time again that she always had the answer. And even having some surgical thing that obviously had to be done, there was an abnormality there. But still, even removing that factor, still being at a point where the rest of the system was in this highly precarious situation of where every day is just dizziness, nausea, maybe a migraine on top, and just feeling, you know, is every day going to be like this? And like Kate was saying in the, like, I don’t even want to be here anymore, which is a lot of places know, Kate shared with us today. That’s where I’ve been as well.
Dylan Petkus, MD
When I was having my own issues of just like when every day is misery, when there is no light at the end of the tunnel and the only thing you see in the future is the same crappy day on repeat, that’s when you just get to those dark places. But when you’re able to finally move through things with your own resiliency and resourcefulness in a way of where you’re like, okay, well, that thing didn’t work.
Dylan Petkus, MD
And I’m going to keep going forward nonetheless because that persistence is what finally allows you to get to that outcome of where you’re able to be someone who can wake up after an awesome night of sleep and then be able to be a morning person and be able to just have that foundation for the day and be able to see so many things available for you in the future. Whether know, Kate’s going to be moving into a new house, just really being able to be in a place of where you’re able to enjoy that, set that up and really be able to be this new person and a new home, and really being able to have one of the most important foundations of your life that sometimes people, I mean, obviously here, aren’t always able to have and really rebuild that foundation of health.
Dylan Petkus, MD
And it all starts with being able to get really clear on what’s going on, like where Kate was. We’re like, well, I have these 10,000 different things. Let’s see what’s going on here and be able to gain clarity on, okay, what’s going on with those things and what’s kind of the severity of that situation. Getting really crystal clear on what the problems are and getting really crystal clear on what the goals are, because really, any journey, you need to be able to enter in your GPS coordinates there, because otherwise you’re just someone in a car going from Waffle House to Waffle House and never really getting anywhere besides indigestion city because that’s all you get from Waffle House. Let’s be real.
Dylan Petkus, MD
But in all seriousness, being able to make that decision, to just be done with this and just being a point of where you are going to be that person who’s going to show up and be like, this may not make sense, but we’re going to go ahead and do it. Because this is something where you know that goal and that outcome that the life you want is something you truly want. And so that’s why we have our free breakthrough sessions because we’re literally breaking through a level of confusion, a lack of clarity, and being able to get you through to the other side of those goals. And that’s exactly what has allowed Kate to be where she is today. And it all started with going to the free breakthrough session. So that’s optimalcircadianhealth.com/talk.
Dylan Petkus, MD
Go there, pick a time, someone on our team will chat with you, for 45, or 60 minutes and it’ll be a lot of fun. And if we’re someone that we know that we can help, we’ll let you know that. And we’ll absolutely let you know what that looks like. And if not, we’ll let you know that, too. Because it’s really all about being able to get you what’s best for you. And so, Kate, I want to thank you so much today. Know, not only being the person that you are, being courageous, being someone who keeps going despite what all the cool people with stethoscopes say, and being able to know that you do have that healing inside of you.
Dylan Petkus, MD
And being able to be with us, be highly coachable, showing up all the time when times are hard, raising your hand for help, and being able to be someone who’s then able to keep moving up and up. And that’s what’s really allowed you to be at the level of success that you’re at right now of where migraines to just like what’s a migraine? I don’t even know what that is. Just when my eleven-year-old daughter really stresses me out with standardized testing, that’s something that might give me a migraine, but that’s normal people stuff. And being able to be at a level of you’re sleeping well, digestive sick, the dizziness gone, if I haven’t said that already, the nausea gone, and being able to move through a day without worrying about the crash, that’s going to come.
Dylan Petkus, MD
That’s what that really gets you through. And it all starts again with the free breakthrough call at optimalcircadianhealth.com/talk. Just pick a time, and see your name. Yeah. And then maybe you can be up here with me and all of our cool, fun emoji stickers here. So, Kate, thank you so much again. I want to give you a big round of applause here, and I guess we’ll sign off for now. So thanks, everyone, for watching. Watching. Go ahead, book your free breakthrough session and we’ll talk to you there. All right. Bye, everyone. Bye.