Can Sleep Apnea Cause High Blood Pressure? | Optimal Circadian Health

Can Sleep Apnea Cause High Blood Pressure?

According to the Mayo Clinic, having obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) can raise your risk of high blood pressure due to the sudden drops in blood oxygen levels that happen as a result of OSA. Sleep apnea can also have a significant impact on your heart. With these potential impacts on your health, it’s time to look at some sleep apnea solutions.

The Link to High Blood Pressure

OSA is common in the United States. An estimated one in four Americans is at risk of developing OSA, according to studies published by the American Heart Association (AHA). Here are a few key findings from the studies:

  • Roughly half of people battling sleep apnea also deal with hypertension. Those with hard-to-treat high blood pressure often have sleep apnea. 
  • The AHA found a link between how severe a person’s sleep apnea is and how their body responds to blood pressure medication. The worse the sleep apnea, the harder it can be to bring blood pressure down.
  • Younger people with sleep apnea may be prone to developing systolic and diastolic hypertension. 

The AHA study also notes that getting less than five hours of sleep a night can seriously increase your chances of developing high blood pressure, especially for those under sixty. That’s why aiming for seven to eight hours of sleep per night is so critical.

Can sleep apnea cause weight gain, as well? According to Healthline, these two issues have a complex relationship and often coexist. Managing a healthy lifestyle, including eating well, can help keep your sleep apnea at bay.

Natural Approach to Sleep Apnea and High Blood Pressure

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machines and mouthpieces are among the most common solutions for sleep apnea. What if we told you there are some natural approaches you could incorporate into your daily life to help overcome your sleep apnea?

Practicing sleep apnea self-care through proper breathing techniques can help you keep your airways open at night. This, in turn, can lead to better night’s rest. 

Dr. Dylan Petkus struggled with sleep apnea himself and wrote Sleep Apnea Solution, our guide to restoring your body’s ability to breathe freely. This book includes helpful resources like a sleep environment checklist, a sleep apnea assessment, a CPAP freedom roadmap, and more. 


Check out the book at

Dr. Dylan Petkus

Dylan Petkus, MD, MPH, MS

Dr. Dylan Petkus is on a mission to help people overcome their health issues like sleep apnea so they are not limited by their condition or trapped by options that don’t provide full resolution.

He earned his Master’s of Science in Physiology at Pennsylvania State University where he was awarded a research fellowship and was a peer-reviewed published author. He went on to earn both his Master’s in Public Health and Medical Degree from the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. Thereafter, he specialized in Family Medicine to help patients on the front-line of chronic disease.

Having overcome his own health challenges, including sleep apnea,  he strives to help empower others to live fuller, healthier lives.

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