How to Reduce Sleep Apnea | Optimal Circadian Health

How to Reduce Sleep Apnea

There are two potential routes to pursue if you want to promote healthy sleep and help lower the impacts of sleep apnea on your rest: natural, noninvasive techniques and medical interventions.

While both options should be subject to your own decisions and objectives, Sleep Apnea Solution, an affordable resource published by an accomplished medical professional, has uncovered new, innovative, and holistic ways to enhance the quality of nighttime breathing and get to the root cause of your symptoms. By retraining your breathing to be slower and calmer, you can either lower your reliance on sleep devices such as a CPAP machine or avoid needing medications or even surgery to get a good night’s rest.


The Main Causes of Sleep Apnea: Frequently Asked Questions

Sleep apnea affects as many as 34% of men and 17% of women–but it is also often misunderstood. Below, we’ve myth-busted some common misconceptions.

  • Is there a cure for sleep apnea? No; some physicians suggest surgery, muscle relaxants, and other interventions, but as yet, no one cure will be appropriate for all.
  • Can losing weight cure sleep apnea? No; if weight is a factor that increases pressure on your airway, losing weight may help lower your symptoms. However, weight loss alone cannot definitively cure sleep apnea.
  • Can a deviated septum cause sleep apnea? No; a deviated septum, where your nasal cavities are different sizes or have blockages caused by bone or cartilage, cannot cause sleep apnea to develop. This might, though, influence the options that are suitable for you.

The common thread with all these answers is a ‘no’ because sleep apnea can be complex, person-specific, and linked to hundreds of potential contributing factors or causes. There is no universal cure or solution, which is why activating healthier breathing is such a breakthrough. This can be effective for anybody and help to augment sleep and rest patterns without medications, clumsy devices, or uncomfortable masks and mouthguards.


What Is the Advantage of a Natural Way to Help Overcome Sleep Apnea?

It is impossible to overstate the impact sleep apnea can have on your life, where you wake up every day feeling tired, foggy, and stressed, experience ongoing fatigue and low energy levels, are concerned about your weight or heart health or find yourself struggling with devices and masks. Natural breathing activations can promote better nighttime breathing without any machines, medications, or surgeries, with a number of clear benefits:

  • No risk of side effects or reactions
  • The peace of sleeping without a mask, mouthguard, or device
  • No inconvenience, discomfort, or awkwardness for you or your partner
  • No downtime following surgery or treatment


We recommend a series of strategies and tried-and-tested approaches for sleep apnea. These can help you learn impactful breathing routines, establish a great sleep environment, augment your nutrition, and boost your natural breathing.

The Sleep Apnea Solution ebook is accessible and available immediately. It is packed with research-backed resources, including a Sleep Apnea Assessment, knowledge, and guidance alongside audio tracks and the CPAP Freedom Roadmap. It will meet you wherever you are in your sleep apnea journey and show you the natural way forward!

Dr. Dylan Petkus

Dylan Petkus, MD, MPH, MS

Dr. Dylan Petkus is on a mission to help people overcome their health issues like sleep apnea so they are not limited by their condition or trapped by options that don’t provide full resolution.

He earned his Master’s of Science in Physiology at Pennsylvania State University where he was awarded a research fellowship and was a peer-reviewed published author. He went on to earn both his Master’s in Public Health and Medical Degree from the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. Thereafter, he specialized in Family Medicine to help patients on the front-line of chronic disease.

Having overcome his own health challenges, including sleep apnea,  he strives to help empower others to live fuller, healthier lives.

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