Is Sleep Apnea Genetic? | Optimal Circadian Health

Is Sleep Apnea Genetic?

According to Healthline, researchers have found there are indeed some genetic factors connected to obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Roughly 40% of OSA is attributable to genetics, while the other 60% is likely from lifestyle choices.

So, snoring could be more than just a family quirk. In this blog, we’ll break down sleep apnea and whether it could be tied to your family tree–and if any sleep apnea books can truly help.

Inheriting a Sleep Disorder 

Sleep apnea impacts millions of people across the country. If you feel restless at night or snore excessively, it could be worth checking with your doctor or reading up on the topic. Dr. Dylan Petkus’ book, Sleep Apnea Solution, has helped many people with sleep apnea and can be found at

However, researchers have also found that central sleep apnea appears to often be caused by brain signaling issues, which are usually not genetic.

OSA and Its Contributing Genetic Factors 

Many genetic factors can contribute to a person being prone to developing sleep apnea. These include body fat, facial anatomy, etc. Here’s a breakdown of what has been discovered over the years:

  • Genes influence body weight and where fat lives on your body, which could potentially contribute to whether or not a person develops OSA.
  • Genetics affect the shape of someone’s face, including their skull size, nose size, and overall facial depth. All of these physical characteristics can impact how a person breathes, especially at night.
  • Experts are still investigating the relationship between breathing control and genetic influences. They suspect they could impact the muscles and neural signals used to breathe.
  • A person’s genes could also potentially influence a person’s sleep schedule and how well they sleep, which could impact their likelihood of developing OSA.

Overcoming Sleep Apnea

Whether your sleep apnea is genetic or not, there are ways you can tackle it. Possible solutions might include CPAP machines or sleep apnea mouthpieces.

Now that you’ve joined the club of sleep apnea sufferers who want to reclaim their rest, consider giving Dr. Petkus’ book a read. Sleep Apnea Solution has many helpful resources, including:

  • A research-backed sleep apnea assessment
  • Breathing routines audio
  • CPAP freedom roadmap
  • Sleep apnea nutritional assistance
  • Sleep environment checklist

Managing your sleep apnea can be possible when you take a big-picture approach to sleep apnea self-care. Let us help you get your sleep back on track. Check out our ebook today!

Dr. Dylan Petkus

Dylan Petkus, MD, MPH, MS

Dr. Dylan Petkus is on a mission to help people overcome their health issues like sleep apnea so they are not limited by their condition or trapped by options that don’t provide full resolution.

He earned his Master’s of Science in Physiology at Pennsylvania State University where he was awarded a research fellowship and was a peer-reviewed published author. He went on to earn both his Master’s in Public Health and Medical Degree from the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. Thereafter, he specialized in Family Medicine to help patients on the front-line of chronic disease.

Having overcome his own health challenges, including sleep apnea,  he strives to help empower others to live fuller, healthier lives.

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