Dr. Dylan Petkus Reviews Devorah's Journey in Overcoming Exhaustion and Pain | Optimal Circadian Health
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Dr. Dylan Petkus Reviews Devorah’s Journey in Overcoming Exhaustion and Pain

Dr. Dylan Petkus reviews Devorah’s journey where she was dealing with Lyme, exhaustion, migraines, and pain and now she’s back to herself again.

Dylan Petkus, MD
Hey, everyone. I want to welcome you and introduce you to the very wonderful Devorah here. And so she’s gone through a lot, not just in her healing journey, but also with the progress she’s been able to make here. So I just want to kick things off. Thank you for joining us, Devorah. And first thing I want to ask is a lot of people, you know, who are watching this, they’re in very similar circumstances here. So tell us a little bit about where you were about, like, 15, 16-ish weeks ago before you started working with us.

Sure. It’s a pleasure to be here, to give a little background. I got Lyme disease nine years ago, and over the years, it progressed to the point where three years ago, I had to leave my job and not be able to take care of my young children anymore and had to just basically be in bed and trying to manage my health. My husband was basically bringing my food to my bed. It was a struggle to get up. It was a struggle to just go from my bed to the shower, which is in the same room. I was really struggling. I would say on a better day, sometimes I would have 15 minutes of my feet, and that was just for just basic functionality. And other than that, I spent three years trying to keep myself busy in my bed.

Sometimes I was just managing pain for days. Sometimes I would be at lower pain and just be kind of able to read or do other things. But I have really lost my ability to function in any significant way and care for my family. And it was a very painful place to be, which at a young age, I was 33 years old at the time when I really lost everything, I was 30, and it’s really the prime of my adult life. And I really lost that. And it was painful, physically, emotionally, and it was quite scary to not know if I would ever get out of there.

Dylan Petkus, MD
Also to help maybe people identify as well, what were all the labels or diagnoses, if you don’t mind sharing, that were thrown at you for all these things?

Maybe unusual. None. They told me that I was fine. It was kind of like your problem, because we have zero clue. Not only we have zero clue what’s going on with you, but there’s basically nothing going on. I actually wish they would have put a label on me, but they even denied that I had Lyme, which was a very clear progression in my case. So it was just this feeling of being totally invalidated and then sometimes gaslighting myself, like, oh, it’s like maybe I’m kind of just making this up. Maybe everybody kind of feels like this, and they just kind of get up and do it anyway. And what’s wrong with me? So those were my dark thoughts. I definitely had places where I was more validating myself, but that was, like, the dark place I went to.

Dylan Petkus, MD
And that happens a lot, right, where people get the testing, oh, you’re normal, but you don’t feel normal in any capacity. Not even close.

Dylan Petkus, MD
That’s why we don’t really do a whole lot of testing there. And then kind of along those lines. Not all the things, we only have so much time in the world, but what were some of the major things you were doing for your health historically and at the time when we first connected?

So started with supplements and continued with them, but that was, like, the first thing. And then I went on to the celery juice craze, and I won’t tell you how much I was drinking of that. At certain points, I did juice fasting. I did, like, two months straight of juice fasting, and then other shorter amounts of time of that rebounding. Saunas, castor oil packs. Yeah. And other things. I had done reflexology and some other additional energy healing.

Dylan Petkus, MD
And with those things, what was the typical pattern? Was it just didn’t work. You got a little bit better, but still really far. What was the typical pattern for you?

Being somebody who doesn’t give up and being an optimist, I was able to notice that I was seeing very at a snail’s pace if that. I’m being generous when I say a snail’s pace of improvement, which I guess that was a reassurance to me because these things can really be progressive. So the fact that I wasn’t getting worse was already, in my mind, a positive thing. The fact that I saw, like, okay, the arthritic symptoms I see getting a little better. At some point after a couple of years, the migraines that I was having that were off the charts debilitating and crazy, pain became slightly more manageable and tolerable. So I would say, being positive, I was like, I’m seeing some progress. But then there’s the fear of, like, okay, at this rate of progress, I might be here when I’m 70.

And that wasn’t very reassuring at all. So I think I kind of gave up on that miracle solution. I’m just kind of like, okay, I’ll see the progress. I’ll keep going. It’ll happen. And what happened over here was, in a certain sense, compared to where I was. It was kind of like a fairy tale. Like, oh, within one week, you see improvement. Like, I had been in places where after six or twelve months, I’d be like, oh, I see something. Something’s getting better. And I was holding on to that grain of hope. And I’m glad I did hold on to that hope because the hope did come. It was just kind of, after all those teeny incremental progress, it was like, it kind of burst forth for me.

And I have to add that I found the whole approach to be so deeply meaningful to me and aligned, and it was really insightful, kind of an understatement, but we’ll leave it at insightful.

Dylan Petkus, MD
Awesome, and then even kind of going through the journey more. How did you initially find us? Was it because sometimes people will tell their friends or like a post online YouTube ad?

That was it.

Dylan Petkus, MD

And of course, that makes me even more okay. Who’s this guy on YouTube? And honestly, I had seen that YouTube knows what you’re looking for. So I was looking for a cure for my disease. And I’m listening to all these YouTubes, and so they know they have their algorithms, and I would hear these other people and I’d follow it. Okay, so let me listen to the master class. And they’d be like doing the supplements, we’re doing the mindset work, we’re doing XYZ. And I’m like, I’ve really done it already. I don’t need to go down another rabbit hole that you’re bringing me down. And I didn’t know that there was anything else. I’m just like, okay, you’re doing that and I’m doing this, and we’ll meet you on the other end somewhere.

But then when I found you guys, the thing that I found really interesting is that you were saying something I knew I hadn’t done before, even though you weren’t saying exactly what the technique was. I could hear from these phrases you said, like, what was that great line? It’s not what you eat, but it’s when you eat. And I knew, like, the circadian thing, even when I had done some simple things, like going to bed at ten and just sleeping more, those good circadian hours, I actually did notice some improvements. I was like, there’s probably something to it. I just don’t know enough about it.

Dylan Petkus, MD
Yeah, especially because you’ve gone through a lot. What were some of the other light bulbs when you were watching the master class? Like, what’s this? What’s that? What’s going on? What were some more of those light bulb moments you had.

Oh, great. The lightbulb moment was, it’s your engine, not your fuel. Because of the way I was raised, it was all about eating that perfect diet, and that’s what I was trying to do, and I thought everything would change with this diet. And then we’re like, you’re not addressing the engine. I was like, oh, my gosh, I’m focusing on something, which I’m sure is great. It’s great to be on a good diet, great to be off of all the sugar and whatever else, but there’s a whole major piece I’m not addressing here.

Dylan Petkus, MD
Got you.

Dylan Petkus, MD
So then you wash master class book, your breakthrough call there. And speaking with one of our coaches there as you were going into the breakthrough call and going through it, as well, what was kind of going through your mind?

Honestly, I was trying to get more information, and I was kind of, like, wanted to be getting more, and I wasn’t getting it. And my husband was sitting there with me, and I don’t know exactly why we chose it because it really could have been empty promises. And I was really nervous. I signed on, and I was like, I have no clue what I’m getting here. And I guess I was guided to it, and somehow we made the decision. We’re at that point of a lot of it was the timing. I had kind of just realized that the path I was going down wasn’t really cutting it, and I really wanted to find that next level. And my husband supported me through it, and he really encouraged me to do it, and we did it.

I can’t tell you exactly why we did it, but there was, like, that feeling, like there’s something more here that I don’t know, and my life is worth it. I got to show up again as a person for myself, my husband, and my kids, and we have to take the leap. That’s it.

Dylan Petkus, MD
Got you there.

Dylan Petkus, MD
So then you’re in the program here. And then what were some of those initial improvements? As small as whether it’s sleep, whether it’s slightly less symptoms with other things, or bigger things that we talked about earlier, what were some of those big initial improvements you had?

So, for me, the most debilitating symptoms were terrible migraines that were almost perpetual. And being able, that was the first thing that we saw go down. So it’s really like that biggest thing that was the most debilitating came down right away, which really was so encouraging.

Dylan Petkus, MD

Dylan Petkus, MD
And how many weeks did the migraines?

I mean, you’re talking about one week afterward I was already taking a 30-minute walk. So that was honestly before one week I was already suspicious. I’ll use that word. I think something’s shifting, but I think I must be crazy. It’s like I don’t want to get excited about something and then it’s not going to go. But after a week and I took that 30-minute walk around the block, I was still hesitant, but I was like, there seems to be something going on here.

Dylan Petkus, MD
Got you.

Dylan Petkus, MD
And then what were some more of those improvements there? Because we talked about being able to go on a walk there with your kiddos. Less migraines. What else as you went along?

A couple of months in, I traveled with my family to a family event a couple of hours away and spent the day there with them walking outside. I got on a bike recently.

Dylan Petkus, MD

Something I haven’t done in a really long time. I mean there’s been so many, I feel like really every day is a celebration and when people see me, it’s really the biggest celebration is when we’ve seen it. The progress continue and for a long period of time, it’s been 15 weeks now and it’s like people who see me are like, every time they see me they’re like, you’re still up, you’re still around. The fact that it’s been progressing and it’s been stable has been so big. People ask me that and I don’t know what the answer to it is because I think, as you say, people have one-thing-itis. But I know that at the very beginning I was listening to modules, I didn’t have that much information.

So I was really somewhere at the beginning of those modules, you know, talking about when to eat, talking about being aligned with the circadian rhythms and the sun and those things. I started right away and that in itself seemed to have a huge impact. And then as went on, I’m sure every piece of the program is making an impact and I think it’s just brilliant how you guys have, like I was told on my breakthrough call, you guys have this down to a science. That’s the words he gave me and I really think it’s true. It’s like people want that one thing.

But when you guys have set this up in a way that it’s like we have all these pieces here and these are the pieces that are important and it’s actually very relieving because when you talk to other people it kind of feels like this conspiracy. It’s like everything is killing you and the world is just such a terrible place. You have to be super neurotic to be able to make it out here and be healthy. And even then you’re up against so much. But you guys have kind of taken the things that matter, that really matter and been like, focus on these things, and then you don’t have to worry about the rest of it because we have the most essential things right here.

And we’re going to teach you how to do it, and you teach us how to do it in a way that’s sustainable. It’s like we don’t have to move off the grid somewhere and disappear from life and make our lives crazy. But you teach us really step by step how to make this work in a practical way.

Dylan Petkus, MD

Dylan Petkus, MD
And then did you do other programs before our program?

I had worked with people. I wouldn’t say I did, like a full program.

Dylan Petkus, MD
Yeah, got you. But either way, in terms of the support we offer, how was that a factor for you?

I think something that really, first of all, the knowledge, the fact that it’s like, when I speak with you guys, I know I’m speaking with people who really know and are willing to admit when they don’t know, but whatever you’re offering is very solid and well researched. And I would say that I also feel a real understanding of people and their human process. And in the past, I’ve gotten a lot of people which kind of like, shame. Oh, this is because of your emotions, it’s because of trauma, and it’s because you’re not willing to look at certain things. And I felt your approach was very refreshing. It’s just like, we’re here to guide you, we’re here to work with you, and it’s very encouraging and understanding.

Dylan Petkus, MD
Gotcha. Awesome.

Dylan Petkus, MD
And then wrapping things up for anyone who’s watching at home or elsewhere, they’re out there probably watching, listening to this, and probably, maybe they’re on YouTube. Who knows where people are these days? What would be some words of wisdom you would have for them?

You are brought on your journey to discover something and don’t give up until you find that thing that really opens your world up. Because I really feel that the challenges we go through are for us to discover, for us to become who were born to become. And that’s what’s been so special to me about this program, is that it really completed a circle for me of some things I was searching for and things I wanted to discover. And I feel blessed that I found my healing in a way that was so meaningful. And I know that meaning is out there for every person to find out more about themselves and about what they can offer to the world.

Dylan Petkus, MD
Awesome. Love it there. Well, that’s.

Dylan Petkus, MD
So we’ll go ahead and wrap up. So thank you, Devorah, for joining us. And anyone out there watching, listening. You want to see the same masterclass that Devorah saw, go ahead and go to optimalcircadianhealth.com/learn.

Dylan Petkus, MD

Dylan Petkus, MD
I have to remember all these different slash learn and you’ll see the masterclass there.

Dylan Petkus, MD

Dylan Petkus, MD
So whether you are someone who has Lyme or you have no idea or everyone thinks like, okay, it’s just normal here, that masterclass is going to break it down for you and whatever is going on with you, what you’ve done there. So make sure to go to optimalcircadianhealth.com/learn and that masterclass will be there waiting for you. So thank you so much for joining us, Devorah.

And you, thank you for everything you and your team have done for me. And you were really the conduits for bringing my life back to course.

Dylan Petkus, MD
Thank you. Love that. Thank you, everyone.

Dylan Petkus, MD
So we’ll go ahead and sign off. So goodbye.

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