Dr. Dylan Petkus Reviews Lilly's Comeback After Sleep, Gut, and Hormone Challenges | Optimal Circadian Health
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Dr. Dylan Petkus Reviews Lilly’s Comeback After Sleep, Gut, and Hormone Challenges

Dr. Dylan Petkus reviews Lilly’s comeback after sleep, gut, and hormone challenges that kept her stuck and from living her life to the fullest.

So before working with Dr. Dylan and Molly and the team, I was in a terrible mess, really. I couldn’t eat much of anything, but I did have to eat every couple of hours because I felt so ill otherwise. I couldn’t put weight on, had severe fatigue, and I couldn’t walk. And I was going through dreadful menopausal symptoms, and I couldn’t sleep, which was one of the biggest things. So I just felt absolutely dreadful. And at the end of my tether, really. And then before signing up, well, I had hit rock bottom. And I suppose the only thing that were a bit concerned about was with it being in a different country, with it being in America. But then those fears were alleviated very quickly.

And then in a few weeks, within the first week, I was able to eat three normal meals a day and not having to eat every couple of hours, and sleep, started sleeping a bit more and being able to get about and having a bit more energy as time went by. And then now, 14 months later, it’s what Dylan promised me, really, isn’t it? I’m really good now in so many ways. Going to functional medicine and the metal detox because that’s what really took me down badly before coming to you guys. That made me a lot worse. The heavy metal detox.

Dylan Petkus, MD
Hey, everyone, Dr. Dylan Petkus here. I want to welcome Lilly and Lee to this conversation about Lilly’s journey, spanning quite some time here. Because a lot of know we have testimonials and videos about, like, in six weeks I was at XYZ, and I said Z because our guests are from the UK, and that’s how you properly prescribe Z. Right? It’s. Z is the correct 26 letters of the Queen’s Alphabet. But also be able to talk about the longer term. Okay. Because a lot of times in your healing journey, you have ups and downs, right? And it’s now easy to capture the ups, but then you want the full upward trend here. So that’s why I want to be able to help you all see here today with Lilly and Lee. So thank you all for joining us.

Dylan Petkus, MD
And just, we want to start at the beginning, not when everyone’s parents first met and your first date. I mean, in terms of the healing health journey here. So before you started working with us, do you mind telling us a little bit about where you were in terms of symptoms and even conditions and things of that nature there?

Yeah, sure. So the main symptom was fatigue. Really fatigued. I was pretty much housebound and lying on the sofa. I’d lost a lot of weight, and I had to eat every couple of hours, but I couldn’t put weight on because I felt so ill and I couldn’t walk, I couldn’t go out to the shops. Lee had to do everything for me. Basically, I couldn’t sleep, spent years not sleeping, and was going through dreadful menopause symptoms as well.

Dylan Petkus, MD
Yeah. And when trying to address that, what were some of the major things you were trying at the time?

Oh, gosh, we spent a fortune on alternative therapies, acupuncture, naturopath, traditional Chinese medicine, and a nutritionist. Then went to functional medicine and then ended up with you.

Dylan Petkus, MD
Got you in terms of all that, because I know a lot of people go through the testing and the supplements. What was that journey? That fun?

Yeah. With functional medicine, having all the tests and everything, you think you’re going to find the thing that’s causing all the problems. And it didn’t really come up with an awful lot. And I was diagnosed with heavy metal poisoning and was advised to go on a heavy metal detox, which actually made me worse. I was probably walking about three or so miles and was still able to do that. But once I started on the detox, gosh, the sleep was worse, and I literally couldn’t walk at all. Didn’t have any energy to do anything. So, yeah, that was more suffering. Doing the heavy metal detox was really at the end of the tether, then.

Dylan Petkus, MD
And then, Lee, for you, because we can’t ignore the man in the shadows. So for you, what was like for you, seeing Lilly go through like this and her journey, what was that like for you?

I think it’s always heartbreaking. It’s heartbreaking. When I watched my wife, who was previously very fit and healthy, it literally declined so badly over time, to the point where she wasn’t even able to walk. And I used to push her around in a wheelchair. That was very difficult. But what I would say is that rea1 clear memory in my mind is we used to visit an area by the sea that actually had a very steep incline, and it mustered all of my energy. I would push her up all the way up to the top of this hill. So you get this amazing view. And what is wonderful is, and it is a fantastic memory, is probably within weeks of starting the program, went back uphill. But this time, Lilly was walking, and she was not just walking; she walked straight back up the hill.

So although there were the dark moments when it was really difficult watching anybody suffer, but particularly your wife, to then see that gentle transition back to better health and back to walking and feeling better. That’s probably what sticks in my mind the most, I would say.

Dylan Petkus, MD
Got you.

Awesome as a transformation.

Dylan Petkus, MD
Nice. A lot of people when you’re in that position, right? Struggling, researching a lot. How did you all? I didn’t say you all. Even though I’ve been in the South quite a bit, it’s become contagious. How did you guys find us?

Okay, well, we were still in this position of being at the end of our tether and just wanting to get our life back and my health back. And you were watching something, weren’t you, on YouTube. And you always flick through the adverts and for some reason this one just caught your attention, didn’t it?

It caught my attention. And yeah, I do flick through the ads, particularly ones that look like they’re two and a half minutes long. But this one, it was because every single symptom that Dylan was mentioning, he could fix corrected exactly to what Lilly was experiencing. I played it all the way through and the next day said, you need to listen to this. Yeah, got you.

Thank goodness.


Dylan Petkus, MD
And then, did you guys watch the masterclass together?


Dylan Petkus, MD
It’s a fun family activity. And so, as you’re watching, if you can recall some time ago, but when you were going through that, we’re talking about mitochondria, this, that, and the other. What were some of the light bulbs that were going off for you, too?

Well, it just all made sense, really. And I just wanted to work by not saying that it’s loads of effort, but I just couldn’t wait to get all the knowledge from you to make our lives better. And there was so much to learn and to do to improve us.

Dylan Petkus, MD
Yeah. Awesome. And then we had our breakthrough call, a fun health strategy session there. When you were at that moment of like, okay, are we going to work with this? Yankee, what was kind of running through your mind?

I mean, I think both of us felt that for once because there’s nothing like you, certainly in this country and possibly anywhere. But at last, someone understood, knew what were going through, and had so much there to help us. And I think you guys are with us every second of every day. Really, that’s what it feels like. And you have the patience of saints and you just felt just completely taken care of. And that’s how I think health care should be actually.

Be, I think for me, if I go back to the initial call because I remember it really clearly, and I think what confidence to know to take the leap and invest in the program was. I asked a very clear question. Remember exactly what it was. And I said, in terms of percentage, what is your confidence level that you can fix Lilly? And Dylan replied, oh, 100. Exactly like that, without hesitation. And I knew it was genuine. I knew it was genuine. And that was when we decided for Lilly. I’m super proud of her to literally throw herself into this program and do everything that she had to do. She is disciplined. If you follow it, it works. That’s confidence.

Dylan Petkus, MD
That’s why I went for awesome, excellent being in the program. Okay, new world, doing new things. What were some of those initial improvements? You had like two, three, four weeks in where you’re like, okay, I think that is this working over those for you?

Wow. When I think through and not really getting any kind of result with anything, this, I actually couldn’t believe. Within the first week, I didn’t have to eat every 2 hours for fear of feeling so dreadful. I was to eat three meals a day.


No, in between. That was amazing. And sleep, yes, sleep came back to me. Sleep, not waking up so much, getting back into a proper rhythm, and being able to. I mean, I’d been so reliant on expensive supplements and was able to in three weeks, which was also amazing. And then, because I really on my feet during the day anymore, as Lee said, I was able to really steep hill within weeks and feeling better, so much better mentally as well. I think going and the menopause stuff and everything really went inside myself and isolated myself and then being with the guys on the board, everything, stepping outside of my comfort zone, starting to get.

A lot more.

And just getting involved again. Speaking to people that were hidden away from.

Dylan Petkus, MD
Got you awesome and then continuing on with it, because a lot of it is lifestyle. Right? So the initial eight weeks and then continuing on because you just don’t get to the end of eight weeks and be like, all right, we’re done being healthy, next part of my life. So, like 14 months later, where are you at now in comparison to where you were?

It’s incomparable, really. Just happy, full of means every day. The things that makes life was not doing no life before. Absolutely. I have so many wonderful tools now in my tool to having the best life. The energy, motivation, all the good food and being the ideal weight now instead of under or over. And being confident with family again.

I think the amazing thing is the amount that Lilly has, you can continue, actually means if you follow the program, if you absorb the information, if you deploy all of the various strategies that are taught throughout, you end up healthier than you were before.

We did try.

It’s a different level.


Dylan Petkus, MD
Got you. Awesome. And then, for the folks at home, any words of wisdom in their healing journey?

I certainly ask, but you.

If anyone is in hesitating, I wouldn’t hesitate to go for this. It’s probably one of the best experiences of my life, really, in terms of learning how to look after myself properly. And Dr. Dylan, Molly, Lisa, the team, as I said, they’re with you every step of the way, and nothing’s too much trouble. There’s so much help. And that’s quite a lot more than one word. But, yeah, I know it sounds a bit crazy, but it has saved my life because I didn’t think I could get back to this. I really didn’t. So I wouldn’t hesitate. And thank you.

And I would say to anybody who, again, feels like they’ve hit rock bottom, whether it’s fatigue or whatever those symptoms are, and they say that they’ve tried everything. I promise you they haven’t because this is the program they need to try. And they’ll find that by following it, you will succeed, and you will have a healthier life and healthier than you were when you were healthy, if that makes sense. But can’t praise it enough that the support is exemplary, the information is phenomenal, it is a fantastic program and you follow it, and it has life-changing benefits.

Dylan Petkus, MD
Awesome. Excellent. I turned off our video halfway through to improve the audio quality there, so now we’re just pictures on a screen. That’s absolutely fine there. Awesome. Thank you so much, you two. And I want to invite anyone viewing or listening. There’s probably a lot of elements here that you’re going through, whether you’ve done all the testing, you’ve gone through some of the symptoms, bad sleep, you’re not able to eat things, you’re just exhausted. And you obviously want to be where Lilly is at now. Being able to know, go up the hill, which I’m only going to assume if you’re in the UK, it’s the cliffs of Dover. Right? That’s like the only thing I can remember from a 1970’s guitar song. But beyond that, seriously, being able to really be at a place of where you’re having that transformation in your own health.

Dylan Petkus, MD
So two things for you all. So if you want to watch the masterclass, the same one that Lilly and Lee watched, to be able to understand a lot more of how we help, what that looks like in regards to your individual issues, go to forward slash learn, and you will be able to see your masterclass there. That’s learn. Okay. That’s for the masterclass. And for anyone who maybe you are watching a bunch of videos like Lilly and Lee have or like many people do, and you’ve just been on the know if that’s you and you don’t need to watch the masterclass because you’ve already seen it. Again, the thing I have for you is our initial health strategy session. Okay. And that’s ochnow.com/talk. Okay. Ochnow.com, not ouchnow. It’s ochnow.com/talk.

Dylan Petkus, MD
And we’ll just have a 45-minute conversation there, really, to see what’s going on with you. And if we can help and maybe even have you just like Lilly and Lee, we can show you what that looks like. So again, that’s slash talk. All right. So those are the two things for you there. And again, I want to thank you both, Lilly and Lee, for joining us here and being able to help give people a lot of inspiration and hope in their journey out there and want to be able to let them know that there are real options to get back to having a fully real and vital life. So with that, we will be signing off to the people at home. So everyone, have a great day.

Dylan Petkus, MD
Enjoy the masterclass at Forward slash learn or book your health strategy session at forward slash talk. All right, so that’s it for us. And have a great day.

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